Possible Fraud in Digibyte community by SC farm? Or just simply an allegation due to misinformation and unverified facts?
This is a reply to Chitranjan Baghi regarding his scandalous post regarding the involvement of SC Farm and Clic World.
First off, the company registration of Block Group Corporation is still ongoing and it just got approved and verified by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The certificate has been so blurred just because it was taken on a monitor by the SC Farm representative and sent to the owner, Lenny SC. Yes, due to lockdown, the certificate has not been given to the respective owners. The company is new and SEC registration is the very first step to complete, after receiving this certificate, SC Farm needs to go to more Government offices to comply and fully complete the registration.
“The Farm started targeting Digibyte users for raising investment and upon raising money, they moved on to other coins to raise even more money.” — Chitranjan Baghi
SC Farm #UniteCrypto2020 Vision is a vision to make a strong community by unifying different groups in the crypto community. SC Farm believes that crypto is the future and that mass awareness and adoption must happen for the benefit of everyone. SC Farm planned to create a crypto hub in the farm and hold seminars open for all crypto communities wherein everyone is welcome. If this is just simply raising money, please enlighten us.
The pandemic affected thousands of businesses, and SC Farm really just hoped that its business was not one of them. Unfortunately, no matter the efforts the SC Farm team exerts, the pandemic is indeed affecting the farm in many ways. This has been explained to SC Farm asset holders.
Why can’t we sell our farm products yet? And just to make it clear, our business never failed just slowed down due to the pandemic aftermath. The farm is in the middle of 2 towns. Bani and Alaminos. During the pandemic, people can’t go out at the same time. People from different Barangays, cannot go to town at the same time. The City implemented a schedule wherein each Barangay resident is allowed to go inside the market. If you go to the market and you are from Garrita on a Tuesday, they will not let you in at all. Yes, this has been going on for months. Due to this schedule, we can’t harvest due to lesser customers in the market, and buyers can’t afford to risk. Hotels are still having a hard time too due to national lockdown, tourist can’t get into the province. So please, enlighten us, how can we sell our farm products at a good price if we don’t reach the consumers?
SC Farm cannot give up because we have investors which is why we checked and tried all possible options. Is it bad to explore possible options just to get through the pandemic hits? We are struggling to reach consumers due to no nonexistence of an online platform where people can order farm goods in the comfort of their respective homes. The SC Farm team tried different ways and researched a lot, during pandemic we met CLIC World. A company with an ecosystem already developed and a wallet ready for transactions and yes, SC Farm believes that this will be the best way to reach consumers and solve the farm’s major problem. Will SC Farm judge the works of amazing, hardworking people just because they are located in UGANDA? NO way. SC farm will never be judging people just because of their location, and yes, SC Farm fully trusts CLIC World.
Implementation was never easy and fast, SC farm needs to comply with Government and that is why the company Block Group Corporation has been created. The SC Farm team is not just sitting around, they are working on possible ways for their business to thrive. Nothing can be done without proper paper works, research, and compliant implementation.
“Upon the failure of the main aqua farming business, the SC farm has kept on expanding into new verticals, from selling T-shirts to providing SC card, car, antibullying, accommodations, etc.” — Chitranjan Baghi
Once again, SC Farm didn’t fail in its farming business, just slowed down by the pandemic. As mentioned, SC Farm is indeed trying new verticals to expand the business because our goal is not just to be a farm forever but a successful business. You can never compare SC Farm to a normal business because the start of our story is indeed not normal at all. We are the very first farm that runs through a blockchain and tokenized farm, a real-life venture in the crypto community. Believe it or not, the owner sees no limitation of possibilities and will continue to explore possible options, so I hope the next explorations won’t surprise you anymore.
“Upon going through the SC farm site, it seems that the farm is raising another set of funding this time on a different chain called TRON.” — Chitranjan Baghi
Where is this coming from? SCF token is nowhere raising funds, please advise us if the SCF token has ever been used to raise funds. This token can be used on the marketplace once it is up and running.
“It seems the farm has decided to change the business model from farming to providing a platform to the other farmers by building their own tokens and making other farmers trade using that token.” — Chitranjan Baghi
As explained earlier, we can’t just be a farm and continue to struggle. Why do farmers need to be limited to just farms if farmers can be real business people? If SC Farm will provide its online platform to reach more consumers not just for their own farm crops but also for all struggling farmers and fishermen, I hope it won’t hurt you Chitranjan Baghi. It is called development and business growth. We hope you know that in the Philippines, no one is allowed to sell online unless you have the license to do so. That is why a company has been registered for the implementation of CLIC ecosystem to help struggling farmers, fishermen, and consumers. SC Farm has and always will be compliant with the rules and regulations without any shortcuts. The implementation of the project with CLIC World can’t be done in a minute and that’s why it’s taking time. Lenny SC, the owner of SC Farm has and always will be available to answer questions, we just wonder why you didn’t even dare to raise the questions to him yourself and have the answers right away rather than posting misleading articles? Do you have any hidden agenda?By the way, who are you?We just wonder why you pick on SC Farm, is this your way to get more traffic and subscribers on your blog? Man, that is so WRONG. Putting dirt on someone for your own benefit will never be good. Possibly, if you can man up and be professional we can set up a zoom call and start discussing all your concerns and we will make sure that after that call, you won’t wonder anymore. That will save you time and effort.
By the way, we just wonder why you mentioned all our projects but not SC Help? For your information, we raised a lot of funds through SC Help and SC Tree Planting Projects with the overwhelming support of the Digibyte community, CORD Finance, CLIC World, and a lot more. Why it was never mentioned? Is it because it doesn’t fit your agenda because SC Farm has fully documented all help given during pandemic and typhoon seasons?
We can’t speak on behalf of CLIC World, we will update this article once we receive their respective statement.